
Full Moon in Pisces: A Time For Healing + Renewal

Full Moon in Pisces: A Time For Healing + Renewal

Hey Ritual Blog readers! Cosmic Lady Six here once again to give you some clarity and guidance for our next Full Moon and astrological shift. July and August were intense months with eclipse season being prominent in our lives and many retrograde planets making an impact on reshaping our perceptions and beliefs about ourselves and those around us.   With Virgo season upon us, we are beginning to shift more into “get things done mode” and we should begin to feel a bit more momentum around accomplishing things we have set out to do. If you feel like you have...

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Interview with Eryn Johnson, The Healer behind the upcoming Queen of Wands Tarot Yoga Workshop!

Interview with Eryn Johnson, The Healer behind the upcoming Queen of Wands Tarot Yoga Workshop!

  Tell me a little bit about yourself.My name is Eryn Johnson and I’m a tarot reader, reiki practitioner, and trauma conscious yoga teacher in Philly. I’m also the host of the Living Open podcast for mystics and seekers. Mostly, I’m a creative and a healer. A witch dedicated to coming home to myself and to helping others do the same.  This is my website if you are curious to learn more about my work  What inspired you to combine the magic of tarot with yoga?I was a yoga teacher before I ever learned about tarot. When I started diving deeper...

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Solar Eclipse in Cancer Active Healing     This week on Thursday the 12th at 7:48 PM we have a partial Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer. The numerology of the day with the degree point and time reduces to the number 3. This means that 3 is the vibrational component for healing and the theme within the energy which ties into what an eclipse represents: the Sun, Earth and Moon (3 celestial bodies) coming into alignment.   This Eclipse is also the first of a total of 3 Eclipses we will have during the summer. The 3rd Chakra...

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Full Moon in Capricorn: Ritual for Karmic Healing

Full Moon in Capricorn: Ritual for Karmic Healing

This Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon or Rose Moon and deals with the themes around love, romance, and the dance between the dark and the light. Many ancient traditions focused on sexuality and the union of the masculine and feminine energies during this time.
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Freedom and the quest for knowledge, Full Moon in Sagittarius ritual and guidance by Cosmic Lady Six

Freedom and the quest for knowledge, Full Moon in Sagittarius ritual and guidance by Cosmic Lady Six

Hello Ritual Blog readers! Cosmic Lady Six here to welcome you into this Full Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday that will be hitting at 7:19AM PST and 10:19AM EST. This energy pushes us to expand what we know and demands that we get out of our routine for the time being. Sagittarius in the zodiac holds a strong place in my heart as I am a Sagittarius rising, as well as my father. My mother has a Sagittarius Moon in her 9th house, the 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius. With Sagittarius energy so prominent in my family, I feel...

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The Taurus and Scorpio Polarity ; Honoring our Full Moon

The Taurus and Scorpio Polarity ; Honoring our Full Moon

 Happy Taurus Season Ritual blog readers! I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that April is almost over and we are already gearing up for our Full Moon in Scorpio!  The Full Moon in Scorpio will hit at 5:58 PM PST , 8:58 PM EST on Sunday, April 29th. The Taurus-Scorpio polarity in Astrology is a significant one, and this Full Moon in Scorpio will have us feeling the pressure to dive deep and acknowledge some inner demons we may not be so eager to meet.     In esoteric Astrology, Taurus is considered the “light”...

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