Happy 2020 to all of you! We spent some time reflecting on the past year; looking through photos of how Ritual Shoppe in Rittenhouse came to life. What a turbulent and exciting time it’s been. As we start to embark on a new venture—building studios and a community gathering space—we wanted to pay homage to this space. Starting at the end of 2018 and into 2019, our new Ritual Shoppe baby was born. We underwent significant changes. From rebranding, to a complete storefront buildout, look-books, and new staff, it's been a wild whirlwind of a journey. It was important...
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Holiday shopping is made easy these days thanks to department store's competitive pricing and the convenience of the internet. But do these mass-produced, one-size-fits-all gifts really feel fulfilling...or even responsible? A rediscovery of the importance of handmade objects has become more and more prominent in the current consumer market & for good reason. Supporting small, local businesses (especially during the holidays) is pertinent to the health of one's local economy as well as to the growth & cultivation of one's community. It's a movement that (naturally) we are passionate about! Ritual Shoppe has been a part of the Philadelphia...
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Ritual readers! It has been many Moons since I have written an article for you guys , and it seems auspicious to have it be for this year’s death festivities aligned with the sign of Scorpio. This time of year has been poignant in many cultures all over the world for centuries. Death has been regarded in almost all cultures and myths as a “Rite of Passage.” in Shamanism specifically, as well as Hermeticism, death is seen as a gateway or portal to another life. A life beyond the material veil of the world that we know in our...
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We hear so much about finding your Dosha. What is a Dosha? How do I know what my Dosha is? There has been a buzz about Ayurveda for sometime now, & for some pretty awesome reasons! Ayurveda is an ancient holistic science & medicine, dating back more then 5,000 years. "The science of life" is the meaning of Ayurveda. This statement holds true on many levels & can go so deep if you explore the world of Ayurveda. Every ounce of our daily life can be aligned or suited to fit each Dosha. Our diet, lifestyle, environment, mindset & forms...
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This month Ritual Shoppe is excited to be hosting a special event called Meet the Makers where we will be introducing every member of our team and the incredible creativity they harness. ✨ SATURDAY, 9/27 4PM-8PM 2003 WALNUT ST. ✨ R S V P H E R E ! So without further ado, we'd like to introduce you to the Ritual team... Angela Monaco is a Philadelphia-based jewelry designer, and entrepreneur. Angela is the founder of Ritual and the mama hen here at the Shoppe. She has been making jewelry for over 10 years and has a strong passion...
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Hello Ritual Readers! It's me Cosmic Lady Six again here to talk about the Blue Moon in Scorpio that happened on Saturday at 2:11 PM PST / 5:11 EST. We have a lot of powerful transits happening leading up to and on the day of the Blue Moon that are catalysts towards transformation within our physical and mundane lives. The Taurus/ Scorpio polarity that is activated between the Sun and the Moon calls for us to examine our relationship to the physical world and how we relate to change. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is focused on building value and stability...
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