Hi, friends! It's Erin from TBH Magic back again to share all things NEW MOON. There's a New Moon in Leo today at 10:43 p.m. ET and it feels different than others of recent memory. Of course, everything feels different in 2020! With Leo particularly though, there’s a somber tone that never really occupied the season in years past. But that’s OK! If there’s one thing Leo season knows how to do…it’s to be real and truthful. So that's what's being asked of you this cycle: lean into whatever you're feeling and explore it proudly. You'll get an added...
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Hey there! It’s Erin from TBH Magic. I’m so excited to officially be the Resident Astrologer for Ritual Shoppe! I’m here to bring you regular blogs & Instagrams about all things magical and I’m available for birth chart and tarot readings directly over on my website. To begin, we’re here to talk about CRYSTALS. What else? Yes, they’re beautiful, but they’re also seriously charged. With what, you ask? Depends on the gem! They’re all unique...just like each zodiac sign. Read on to determine which crystal is best for you, based on your astrological sun sign. Don’t know...
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Hi all! Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been compiling resources of ways to actively work towards an anti-racist future and we wanted to share what we’ve found with you all! The current system is broken and has been since its inception but we must realize that we have the full power & responsibility to upend the reeling history of oppression in this country. So with this list we hope to inspire you all to act, act as you are, act as an agent of change. If you haven't already, consider donating your money to organizations actively...
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Image credit: Alyssa Rosenberg Hi all, We wanted to reach out to you in light of current events and check-in. Our hearts are heavy in response to the turmoil that has swept across the country and it's pushed us to ask ourselves "What role do we play in this all?" First, we want to address that we stand in alliance with the Black Lives Matter movement and the fight for justice & equality for all black people who have endured centuries worth of pain & oppression in this country. The past week has given us lots of reason to reflect on...
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We put together a little guide for you on how to do your own Full Moon ritual and honor the divine energy of Mother Moon! Read all about it below & leave a comment to let us know what rituals you like to perform during the full moon! Reflect on the past month The Full Moon energy symbolizes energetic release of the old. This is a great time to sit a reflect on old goals & set new ones. We're meant to evolve, change, & grow - and the Full Moon is a great time to reflect on...
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Last month you may have noticed that the Ritual team journeyed to Tucson, AZ to attend the internationally renowned Tucson Gem Show. The trip was filled with sparkling gemstones, desert sunsets, and towering cacti...simply put it was the perfect getaway. It was a trip that afforded us with some much needed nature, sunshine, and laughs, and lucky for you all, it sent us home with a major crystal & gemstone haul that will be making it's way to Ritual Shoppe very soon. The experience was truly on of a kind and full of special moments so we thought we might as well...
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