March is regarded as the month dedicated to Mars, hence the name March. Mars is the god of war and in Greece was associated with the god Ares. Mars also rules
March is regarded as the month dedicated to Mars, hence the name March. Mars is the god of war and in Greece was associated with the god Ares. Mars also rules
Hi Everyone! Analisa here with @cosmicladysix. I am an astrologer, tarot reader, and vegan witch living in Oakland, Ca. I have collaboratied with the ladies of Ritual Ritual to ring you some helpful insights on this new moon eclipse + a Ritual to perform on or as close as possible to the New Moon. This Thursday (today) marks the first out of three Solar Eclipses we will have in 2018. This Thursday’s Eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse which is not the same as a Total Solar Eclipse. Unfortunately for those of us in the United States, this particular Eclipse...
Not once, but twice, in a Blue Moon Image by Analisa Six Happy New Year, Ritual Blog readers! Astrologically we have already had a pretty intense start to the year. And this is just the beginning of what looks like to be a very intense 2018 for us all! So far we have had very much Capricorn energy driving us forward, while also blocking us on the emotional and creative fronts. Although Pluto and Saturn will remain in Capricorn for a while, we are beginning to move into more airy energy with our Sun moving into Aquarius as of yesterday....
I am sitting here writing this blog after a full week of doing some amazing Tarot and Astrology readings during what has been one of the most intense and transformative periods for so many people. One of the things that I have loved so far since I began reading cards and doing birth charts is seeing how in sync we all are to the planetary shifts. Before I get into how you can benefit with the Sun and Saturn entering Capricorn season, I just want to thank everyone who has gotten a reading from me thus far and during...