As many of you know, the Ritual Ritual crew is comprised of 9 artisans who all own their own small businesses and sell their goods out of the shop. Six of these lovely folks work out of our in house jewlery studio. Claire Christenson, Owner and Designer of Twin Flame Jewels is the first in-house artisan we are interviewing so ya'll can get to know us better!
Who are you?
"Haha! I'm Claire- I am a Philly native. I'm 23 years old. I have always considered myself to be an artist for as long as I can remember. I've been apart of the ritual collective for over a year now. I am also studying Fine Art with an emphasis on sculpture at UArts."

How did you get into designing jewlery?
"There are a few reasons I think. Growing up I always loved making jewlery for my family, and friends. My mom also had a massive jewlery collection, which I think gave me an appreciation for adorning yourself. When I turned fifteen my journey with healing Crystals began. I started using these Crystals as tools in my own healing, and learned how to design Crystal wraps. Growing up, I was sick often, and was in the hospital a lot. Creating these Crystal wraps was helpful in passing the time while I was there."
"When I reached High School I took a metal smithing class, which expanded my knowledge in jewlery making. I met Angela Monaco, owner of Angela Monaco Jewlery, when I started college. She introduced me to the art of wax carving in jewlery making. Which is how I create most of my intrequite designs now."
Why did you choose Twin Flame Jewels as the name of your line?
"I usually don't tell people this- When I met Conner, my twin flame, I was inspiried to start creatig jewlery again. After a long break from doing so. His presence in my life brought out the creativity in me."
Why do you use Healing Crystals in your designs?
"I have always found Crystals very attractive- I am very drawn to them aesthetically. Growing up I never knew they had healing properties until I was a teenager. I use them now in my everyday practice. Carrying tons of crystals in your pocket can be combursome and I enjoy wearing them. Each Crystal or Stone inspires the piece itself."
What is your favorite personal ritual?
"Sage, or the act of clearing energy really. I am very airy, and I need to be grounded daily. Burning Sage, or Palo Santo helps me become more grounded. I do this ritual every single day."
What brought you to Ritual Ritual?
" Meeting Angela Monaco through common spiritual practices & insterests."
What are you working on now?
" A few things actually! I just finished a piece called Family Dinner at UArts called, Family Dinner. It is a dining set from the sixties. Each chair is disfigured in a specific way, symbolizing each family member. All the chairs are connected to a circular table which represents the family dynamic. ( Completed November 1, 2017)"
" I am also working on casting a few of my favorite pieces in glass. Glass, and Quartz have similar metaphyscials properties. Both being made of Silica. It is an experiment in harnessing the metaphyscial cohesion between glass and Quartz. (To be released in early December 2017.)"
"I've just finished up an installation at UArts, which is essentially a room full of blow up love dolls. It is a statement on political events and feminism. (Completed November 6, 2017.)"
Follow Claire on Instagram @twinflamejewels for updates on new releases and upcoming events!
Did I leave anything out?
Yes, I have a perfect puppy named Bowie!

Thank you Claire! We are so grateful for your giant heart and energy!