Hi, friends! Erin from TBH Magic is back again to update us on what’s going on in the stars right now. Read on to discover more about what’s happening astrologically and check out your New Moon mantra for April. PS: You’re invited to our New Moon Circle tomorrow evening! Check out all the details here. We talked about the Libra Full Moon last month (you can check that out here) but now we’re talking about a lunation in Libra’s opposite sign of Aries. As a reminder, the Moon rules our emotions. It’s how we feel through life's ups and downs....
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Tell us a little bit about yourself and your body of work. My name is Xenia, a greek name which roughly means 'kindness to strangers because they might be gods/goddesses.' I once owned a brick and mortar shop and had a career as a fashion writer and shoe buyer, but after a series of synchronicities and some serious self-inquiry, I now call myself a multidimensional artist and space holder. So much of my work is about undoing the limiting intellectual frameworks that we are taught to fit ourselves into and to create spaces and experiences for us to discover...
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The Full Moon is always in the sign opposite the current position of the Sun. So while we’re in Aries season and experiencing rebirth and a refreshed focus on the self, we’re also visiting how that “self” fits in with others. The Full Moon in Libra reminds us that while we’re in a transformative time in our own lives, all the things we’re initiating this season have a ripple effect on our one on one relationships. While opposite signs on the zodiac wheel can sometimes operate just like that, they’re also simply two different sides of the same coin. As...
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We celebrate the Vernal Equinox on the same day astrologer’s celebrate the first day of Aries season...and we don’t believe that’s a coincidence! In short, both are about celebrating a fresh beginning. Vernal literally means fresh or new...just like the spring, and just like Aries! The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card comes to mind this time of year, because it’s really about a turning of the wheel. It doesn’t promise anything good or bad, it just assures change is afoot. And of course, at least in the U.S., this week marked one year (!!!) of COVID lockdowns, and life as...
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Happy International WOMEN’S Day! What a wonderful gift it is to be a woman! So wonderful in fact that an entire month is dedicated to Women's History. Speaking of history, the jewelry industry is historically known for its white, male dominance. As a female-owned and operated business, we love that we are a small, mighty, and pink AF shop that shakes that up a bit. Our owner & founder, Angela Monaco, is a jewelry designer who wanted a space to celebrate not only her creations, but other females’ work too. 89% of the brands we carry are female-owned. Not only is our...
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While February is coming to a close, we didn't want to miss the chance to really focus on LOVE. Both the Sun and Venus are now in Pisces, so you could say now is the perfect time! Pisces is the final sign of the wheel, the liminal space between death and rebirth. It’s where we disappear and become one with source and our intuition. While Venus was in Aquarius, you might have been THINKING a lot about your emotions...but not really taking the time to FEEL them. With Venus now in Pisces, and traveling quite closely with the Sun, that time...
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