All About Venus
While February is coming to a close, we didn't want to miss the chance to really focus on LOVE. Both the Sun and Venus are now in Pisces, so you could say now is the perfect time!
Pisces is the final sign of the wheel, the liminal space between death and rebirth. It’s where we disappear and become one with source and our intuition. While Venus was in Aquarius, you might have been THINKING a lot about your emotions...but not really taking the time to FEEL them.
With Venus now in Pisces, and traveling quite closely with the Sun, that time is over. You're not overthinking anymore...you're ready to feel, feel, feel. We're all psychic lovers now and will find beauty around every corner if paying attention to the signs. And with Pisces energy, there will be plenty!
Pisces, ruling the 12th house, deeply understands that there’s always more than what meets the eye. Ahem, because it operates from the THIRD EYE!
While knowing shit that’s unexplainable in the material realm and impossible to “prove”...this energy also respects the co-creation process. We’re powerful, deeply intuitive beings, perhaps at this point in time more than ever, but we have much less control than many are comfortable admitting. We KNOW, but we also don’t know everything!
It’s this part in the intuitive process that stops many from expanding their inherent abilities. It’s like you get a weird gut feeling about something, but it just doesn’t “make sense” so you ignore it and move on.
What if you dared to follow that feeling...even if you couldn't understand it on paper (yet)?
Astrologically, this is the time to really lean into the whispers of your heart...even MORE so, because in addition to all this Venus in Pisces action, we have a Full Moon in Virgo this weekend.
FULL MOON IN VIRGO: Saturday, February 27th at 3:17 AM EST.
Sadly, Virgo energy is often wholly portrayed as hyper-analytical, and at worst, hyper-critical...and not much else. Organization is DEFINITELY part of the Virgo archetype, but Virgo is also inherently related to BEAUTY because it’s the opposite sign of Pisces on the wheel!
This suggests that this weekend could be filled with...methodical love. Making organized things beautiful. Color-coding your bookshelf comes to mind!
Pull up your birth chart, there are a plethora of free sites on the Internet, or book a reading with a professional astrologer, and locate which house Virgo rules. As a reminder, we all have every single sign represented in our birth charts, even if we don’t have any planets residing there.
Once you recognize which house Virgo rules, you’ll notice the themes that you’ll be FEELING into, and perhaps releasing, this weekend especially.
How can you quantify and ground your most idealistic values? What specific physical things in the earthly realm (think delicious meals, time in nature, or making love) make you feel the most beautiful and loved? Frame this question around the themes of the house Virgo rules in your chart as a helpful way to connect with this weekend's energy.
And if you don’t consider yourself intuitive, use the next several weeks to question that belief. Surely you’ve gotten a gut feeling before about something? It could be about anything, big or small. THAT is your magic begging to be awakened!
Now is as beautiful a time as any to consciously decide to follow your inner voice, your inner knowing. We’re all psychic lovers by nature...we just have to trust that beauty really is everywhere, despite our frequent uncertainty.
Smiley Mini Memo Book
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How do you plan to luxuriate in your favorite 3D things this weekend?