Rituals for the Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is an annual event that marks the longest day (and therefore shortest night) of the year. It’s the first official day of SUMMER and celebrated for the warmth and promise of fun, carefree times that summer reflects.
The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped).
It’s a special time spiritually, because it’s a marked shift. A halfway point is always a magical time to check in on how far you’ve come in your journey, and how far you have yet to go.
Astrologically, the Summer Solstice marks the beginning of Cancer Season (June 21 - July 22) and while many of us are worshipping the Sun at this point in the year, Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
The interplay between the two luminaries makes the energy of the Summer Solstice especially potent. What would illumination be, without shadow? What would momentum be, without depth? What would abundance be, without conservation?
These are deep questions posed by the halfway point in the calendar year.
The Summer Solstice has been celebrated since the Stone Age! It was observed by the ancients in Egypt because it marked the rise of the Nile River, and could’ve predicted cyclical flooding.
In Northern and Central European cultures, people honored this time by lighting bonfires, almost like fanning the flames of the Sun. Seemingly recognizing the notion of “As Above, So Below” the bonfires were lit to reflect the Sun’s strength and channel it for the remainder of the crop season, hoping to ensure a healthy harvest.
Of course we love a RITUAL around here, so we thought it would be lovely to offer a step-by-step guide to working with the energy of the Summer Solstice.
As always, this practice is merely a suggestion. Feel free to alter these steps however you intuitively know best!

STEP ONE: Document What’s Going On With Yourself
The Sun is associated with the Ego, ruling Leo energy (by no accident, the season immediately following this season of Cancer). And at its best, like Leo, the Sun is a celebration of who you are as an INDIVIDUAL. When you know how you shine your best and brightest, the world becomes a better place.
As the first step of this Summer Solstice ritual, it’s important to check-in with yourself. In whatever way makes you happiest, document what’s going on in your life at this specific moment in time.
Tarot is an amazing way to tap into both your conscious (Sun) and often unconscious (Moon) feelings and reflect them back to yourself. Pull some cards to check in and write down the feelings that they evoke.
If you don’t practice Tarot, maybe you simply write down a list of some of your favorite qualities about yourself right now, what you’re working on, and what you’re dreaming about.
STEP TWO: Pay it Forward
As much as you could (and should!) be feeling yourself this summer, others will be feeling themselves! Compliments, genuine quality time, and creative gifts are all amazing currency to celebrate the Summer Solstice.
The Sun grants us our life force energy, so socializing in general is a great ritual. Maybe you gather your friends and bring them each a small surprise that reminds them how much you care about and honor your relationship.
If you’re feeling more internal at this time, which is equally likely as Cancer rules the home, mail some cute cards to your friends expressing your love and gratitude.

STEP THREE: Adorn Your Spaces
Solar energy is about taking up space and Cancer Season’s favorite space is the HOME. Though, again, this is about you. If you spend more time at an office, or in your car, those can be equally amazing areas to focus some attention now.
Bringing in colors of the Solar Plexus, a bright yellow, to any and all of your spaces now is a beautiful way to honor the Summer Solstice energy. Draping a yellow cloth over your altar, lighting a yellow candle, and wearing yellow and gold jewelery are all warm ways to ritualize this special day.
STEP FOUR: Enjoy Nature
As the last part of this ritual, GET OUTSIDE! It doesn’t take any money to truly honor what this window in time is all about. Step outside and feel the warmth of the Sun on your skin. Take a deep breath, soak it up, and say thank you to Mother Nature.
This mantra can be used during any of the steps of this Summer Solstice ritual. Perhaps you write it in a card for a friend or family member to remind them how powerful they are...and that you truly SEE them!
By witnessing, honoring, and merging my light and my shadow, I shine brighter than ever before. I am ready to embrace an abundant Universe and show the world who I truly am.
Products to Celebrate the Summer Solstice