Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide
Astrology is a gift for so many reasons, but one of our favorites here at Ritual Shoppe is that much of it operates within predictable cycles.
Every year, we know that the Sun will pass through all twelve zodiac signs, the Moon will have its phases, and Mercury will retrograde. Doesn’t that feel at least a LITTLE bit cozy?
Despite navigating Mercury Retrograde every single year though (3-4 times per year, at that) there remains a relative amount of fear regarding the transit.
“Mercury Retrograde” has become a specifically scary buzzword that gets tossed around regarding just about anything going wrong! We’re big fans of Mercury around here, retrograde and otherwise, and we just don’t think that’s warranted.
We created this extensive guide to clear up some of the misinformation out there and offer support for navigating the energy.
When any planet goes “retrograde” it simply means it appears to be moving backwards.
It’s important to note that planets don’t physically move backwards in orbit, just like people don’t ever actually go backwards in their prospective journeys. Of course it can feel that way sometimes, but even supposed setbacks have a purpose.
Think about going through a car wash. Your car is stationary, but the machinery around your car is moving quickly. It can cause you to feel like you’re moving in reverse...but you’re not! There’s a similar process for the planets during a retrograde cycle. Planets typically move West to East in the sky, known as “prograde motion” but sometimes, their motion changes. When they temporarily move East to West, they’re in retrograde motion.
Mercury Retrograde is not unlike a car wash. Likely disorienting, but temporary, and once it’s over...unnecessary layers of buildup have been washed away. And while you pay money for a car wash, you can bet that Mercury Retrograde also requires an energetic exchange! But remember, that’s neither good nor bad, it’s just part of our life cycle.
Mercury rules communication and of course communication is an integral part of our collective lives, to varying degrees individually.
When this planet is retrograde, you can definitely expect some crossed wires and delays, especially regarding technology. It’s smart to prepare for setbacks in advance, like arriving at the airport earlier than normal, allocating extra time for appointments, and triple checking emails and texts before sending. If you’re not consciously thorough (and often even if you are) you might experience things going unexpectedly. That can be frustrating...which leads people to fear recurrence.
But what if we decided to find comfort in this uncomfortable place? Maybe instead of fearing Mercury Retrograde, we can build a relationship with it.
We absolutely love coupling our Tarot practice with astrology and Mercury Retrograde is an especially potent time for it, as Tarot (and Oracle!) cards are all about communication with Spirit.
There are several specific Tarot cards related to Mercury, the first being a Major Arcana card, The Magician.
The Magician talks about alchemizing information. It takes a typical conversation and turns it into a magical encounter where every word is fated and full of purpose.
Can you allow yourself to view communication like The Magician during Mercury Retrograde periods? What if that “accidental” text you receive from an ex is an opportunity to gain the closure you previously lacked? Could the old friend that wants to get coffee be honored as a special gift of reconnection instead of just another meeting to add to your to-do list?
Here are some additional Tarot cards with Mercury Retrograde medicine to offer:
- Eight of Wands: Mercury in Sagittarius
- Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer
- Five of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus
- Ten of Pentacles: Mercury in Virgo
- Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius

Whenever we offer suggestions for crystals, they are always merely suggestions. We first respect your agency and intuition and would suggest choosing whatever crystal is speaking to you at this time.
With that said, the crystals we’ve highlighted for this guide have specific properties to support the Throat Chakra, which is especially active during Mercury Retrograde transits. The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue, so working with blue crystals (and even wearing blue and consuming blue foods!) can be especially supportive.
Aquamarine This classic crystal will help to relax your aching retrograde mind. With information flying at you from every which direction during this time, compartmentalizing can feel like a survival tool! Use Aquamarine to sift through, and perhaps redo any writing projects that might be getting a second (or third, or fourth) revision.
Blue Kyanite While 3D communication can feel frustrating during a Mercury Retrograde period, connecting with the 5D may provide some welcomed solace. Blue Kyanite is especially attuned to higher frequencies, making it a great tool for connecting to your spirt guides. Use it to revisit conversations with your higher self and anyone else that may no longer be on the physical plane.
Angelite Have you been talking till you’re absolutely red in the face? Mercury Retrograde can stir up inflammation, and the supple, soothing energies of Angelite can cool an agitated body. Holding it on your Throat Chakra before an important conversation will encourage peace that might otherwise feel hopeless.
Where is your natal Mercury? You can pull up your birth chart for free on astro.com, or if you’d like more in depth information, you can book a reading with a reputable astrologer! We love working with Erin at TBH Magic (www.tbhmagic.com).
Once you’re familiar with your natal Mercury, you’ll be better attuned to your own, default style of communication. When Mercury then goes retrograde in any of the signs, you can reference this list to see how it might land for you more personally.
We hope this little guide will serve to support you on your Mercury Retrograde journey. Sending lots of love and a clear mind vibe your way!