Capricorn Full Moon Mantras
We welcome a Full Moon in Capricorn today, Thursday, June 24th, and it’s one worth celebrating!
The energetics of June have been nothing short of chaotic with chatty Gemini Season combining with powerful eclipses AND a retrograde Mercury.
But, as ever with astrology (and life in general) this was merely a cycle...and a necessary one at that!
Things were unearthed over the past month that needed a second look. You likely revisited, reworked, and reconsidered old wounds (and maybe even a few new ones) all with the ultimate purpose of careening you towards your greatest potential.
This Full Moon in Capricorn arrives like a cool and soothing (yet strong!) balm for the wounds that might’ve surfaced during the past several weeks of relentless astrological transits.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so it’s not an especially “happy” Moon, but it is a Moon that knows what it wants and will fiercely pursue it! That cardinal, “go-getter” energy is in stark contrast to the airy, mutable land of Gemini that might’ve had you changing your mind a lot lately.
This lunation also marks an auspicious moment for manifestation. As we’re now in Cancer season, signs and symbols are everywhere...reflecting our intuition. By harnessing the power of the Capricorn Full Moon (the opposite sign of Cancer on the zodiacal wheel) we can ground those intuitive whispers into tangible, 3D reality. Sweet!
Check out the mantras below for how you specifically can channel the energy of this Full Moon!
These mantras have been written to reflect your Rising Sign but if you don’t know it (book a reading with a professional astrologer to find out more, we love Erin at www.tbhmagic.com) feel free to read for your Sun sign instead.
Aries + Aries Rising: If I believe in what I’m building, my hard work is never energy wasted.
Taurus + Taurus Rising: Having faith in ideas bigger than myself is an opportunity for exploration, no rigidity required.
Gemini + Gemini Rising: Abundance flows when I find a healthy balance between maintaining and releasing control.
Cancer + Cancer Rising: Partnerships built with strong foundations are the only ones worthy of my time and energy.
Leo + Leo Rising: Prioritizing my health and wellness routines ensures I reach my long term goals.
Virgo + Virgo Rising: Creativity is valuable and worthy of my time without needing monetization.
Libra + Libra Rising: Maintaining structure at home makes me feel put together out in the world.
Scorpio + Scorpio Rising: I can fearlessly pursue knowledge without sharing what I’ve learned dogmatically.
Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising: Dedicating time to budgeting ensures money woes need not chase me around.
Capricorn + Capricorn Rising: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” (LOL...we couldn’t help ourselves. This is YOUR Moon, Capricorn. Take a day off because you’ve earned it.)
Aquarius + Aquarius Rising: Dreaming is a worthy investment in my future that will serve to impact humanity.
Pisces + Pisces Rising: Investing in the right friendship circles will nourish me for many years to come.
Sending lots of love and abundant Full Moon blessings your way from everyone on the Ritual team!