Illuminating Libra Full moon!

Happy full moon, Philadelphia!
April is dishing out transitions for us all, as you may or may not know the sun until the end of the month is in the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign, it represents our sense of self, of “I”. We have this aspect of ourselves to show the world our individuality and share our digested experience with the world. When there is a full moon, it means the moon is in the sign directly opposite to what ever sign the sun is in. Today we have a full moon in Libra. Libra is the scales, balance, and represents one on one relationships of all kinds. This push-pull between “me” and “us” is a totally relevant aspect for us right now. Can we find the balance between taking care of ourselves and expressing compassion to others? Especially those that are closest to us knowing they too are going through a transition and transformation in their own way. We must seek out balance through relating to others so we don’t project judgements or insecurities onto anyone, not even ourselves.
Considering emotions run high on full moons thoughts and ideas from the past may come to the forefront of your mind. When this happens and you catch yourself, take a long breath so you start to suspend thought, space, and time. You have the power (Aries energy) to restart every part about you, your health, ideas, routines, look, etc.
Full moon in Libra ritual:
Take all your crystals (that don’t dissolve in water) and place them in a bowl with spring water and place them under the moon tonight. As water absorbs vibrations you can meditate with this first on exactly what it is that you desire to move towards ad we prepare for a new moon next month in material manifesting Taurus. Venus will be an important energy to hold onto for this full moon and next months’ new moon. Listen to your intuition, and tomorrow gather your full moon water into a jar or spray bottle and use whenever you need a reminder of your intention set.
Connections are everything. This summer join us at The Fox Run, and all female weekend filled with connecting, fun, music, tattoos, food, free stuff, riding and way more.
May 19th-21st in Holtwood, PA
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