All About Pluto and the U.S. Pluto Return
Pluto was the most recently discovered planet in 1930. There was a lot of talk about it being really large in the beginning, some estimating that it was at least the size of Saturn. However, that didn’t turn out to be the case. Pluto is much smaller than originally estimated, and in 2006, was officially demoted to a dwarf planet.
Despite its size, Pluto is often regarded as the most powerful planet in astrology. It’s the modern ruler of Scorpio, and the traditional ruler of Aries.
It’s interesting to identify what was going on down here on Earth when planets were discovered…as it frequently ends up relating to the qualities we assign to its planetary energy.
We couldn’t see Pluto with our naked eye…yet we knew it was there and began noticing its influence in our lives. Much like childhood and ancestral trauma, Pluto represents our shadow selves. Its energy is constantly pulling us towards hidden, dark truths that, when revealed and transmuted, can lead to our transformation.
Pluto is astrology’s ultimate planet of depth psychology.
Rather than “endings” as you’ll read in many reductive descriptions, it’s more about a retrieval of life from hidden/taboo/decaying places.
Pisces is actually the sign about dissolution and a true ego death that leads to our ultimate rebirth in Aries season. You can’t dissolve into the collective until you’ve reached into the depths of your very soul…and that is what Pluto energy is all about. Ready to go deep?
The United States is facing its FIRST “Pluto Return” in 2022. Astrologically, this is a moment when transiting Pluto crosses over a chart's natal Pluto. This only happens every 248ish years, so a person can’t experience one, but a collection of individuals relating to the same entity can traverse it together (it’s the Age of Aquarius after all, right?).
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Anything ring a bell about that year in the U.S.? We had a HUGE RECESSION! Pluto can indicate other people’s resources, and the wealth associated with obtaining it, while Capricorn is the structure our society has been built upon. We’ve literally been watching the scaffolding come down since 2008, and it will peak with many more dark truths of our nation coming to light in 2022.
If you live in the United States, you will continue to witness an ongoing rebirth of our nation. We will be collectively reckoning with our past, and unearthing lots of skeletons most would rather leave hidden away. There might be shocking reveals, specifically related to people with a lot of power (ahem, rich, white, men) but whatever upheavals happen are meant to keep pushing the country into a necessary rebirth period. Remember it’s always darkest before dawn.
Exact U.S. Pluto Return dates:
February 22, 2022
April 27 pluto stations retrograde
July 7, 2022
December 28, 2022
It’s really interesting that the Lunar Nodes have moved into Taurus and Scorpio in 2022. Scorpio RULES Pluto. Eclipses, particularly the Scorpio Eclipses, will be especially important and significant dates in the United States this year.
According to the Sibly Chart, America has Pluto in the second house. That would make a lot of sense astrologically, considering all the financial upheavals that have happened since 2008. What does that mean for the return period we’re in now? Let’s look at the themes…
SECOND HOUSE - Finances, resources, economy, class and wealth disparities will CHANGE. Money/resources and our relationships to them will continue to evolve. This looks like a reckoning of what we were founded upon. It’s a rebirth of our truths and ultimate values, represented in the 3D world.
Some possible outcomes of the U.S. Pluto Return over the coming years:
Universal living wage
Four day work weeks
Continuing work from home
Cryptocurrency continuing to rise
Redistribution of wealth
Student loan forgiveness/free college
Pluto through the Generations
- MILLENNIALS - PLUTO IN SCORPIO (BORN 1983 to 1995)! With Pluto at home in Scorpio, Millennials are here to rebirth the world as we know it. Hello, Mark Zuckerberg. People with Pluto in Scorpio are the major players in this period. They inherently understand rebirth as a defining theme of their lives and are comfortable with revolution. Millennials graduated during the recession and were forced to transform.
- GEN Z - PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS (BORN 1995 to 2008) - Gen Z are WILD. They’re idealist people and have a roving sense of home because of their love of travel and different cultures. They’re becoming adults during a time where you can work from home and live wherever you want. They have big, bold ideas for humanity…although aren’t necessarily detail oriented about how to actually do it.
- BOOMERS - PLUTO IN LEO (BORN 1939-1958) : The Boomer generation produced some of the most famous performers and creatives we’ll see in our lifetime. The Beatles were all born with Pluto in Leo, and so was Steve Jobs, Prince, Oprah, and Meryl Streep.
Pluto is a planet that begs us to face the truth. It’s usually scary to do so, but it’s ultimately worth it. While the United States is undergoing its own reckoning process…we have personal responsibility to dig deep into our own subconscious.
1.Heal your own traumas. Astrology is all about symbolism. As above, so below. If you see these big changes happening outside you…how can you learn from them and begin to change internally?
2.LET. GO. Pluto is all about clinging to people, places, and things, because of an insatiable appetite for power (likely because it feels underestimated/inadequate on its own). However, in its fullest expression, Pluto doesn’t care about the physical, and focuses on intangible values. What would happen if you let go of the external things you use to identify yourself, and followed your own truth instead?
3.Locate Pluto in your own birth chart. While the sign is generational, the house Pluto is located in your chart will indicate the area of life you experience rebirth, and might experience unhealthy power dynamics. Once you see where this energy is focused in your own life, you can begin to integrate its lessons, rather than acting out from subconscious fear. Not sure where Pluto is in your chart? Sign up for an astrology birth chart reading with our Resident Astrologer here!
EX: Pluto in the 4th house is about power at home/with family. Pluto in the 7th house is about power within partnerships. Pluto in the 10th house is about power structures at work.
We hope this information will leave you feeling powerful and ready to uncover what's lurking in the depths of your own life. Let us know where Pluto lives in your birth chart, and how you work with its energy IRL!