Three Card Spread for The Full Moon
Hello lovely humans!
As of Tuesday this week Mercury is stationing direct! Woohoo! Although, we won't feel the full relief of this until Mercury stations in Virgo next week, until then Mercury will be in fiery Leo. Don't fret, I bet you're already feeling more grounded as at ease now than you have been in a few weeks.
We've just been through an intense Eclipse Season. We all are craving some stability in one area of another. Eclipse's by nature pull up and out anything which is no longer useful. It can feel overwhelming at times because these changes are typically brought about quickly. The idea is, we all walked through this, with faith that whatever happened was for our highest good. Remember the universe is always working in your favor.
I've pulled a three card spread for the full moon on Wednesday the 6th.
What needs to be illuminated?
- Knight of Pentacles -
The Knight of Pentacles asks us to be mindful of our lives. To take responsibility, and show up for each day with renewed energy. The Knight can be a bit of a perfectionist. Knowing exactly what amount of effort it will take to meet his projects, and life at the suitable standard.
Take a look, have you been asked to take on a new project? If so, trust that you will complete this task (and do it well). Overall, it is time for us to take stock of ourselves. To recognize our power, honor our personal standards and show up for life. It is time to come out of hiding little ones. You got this.
What needs to be released?
- 2 of Wands REVERSED -
The two of wands reversed shows a need for a reigniting of passions that have recently lost their spark. It is time to let go of whatever fear or doubt has been preventing you from figuring out what you want and achieving it. Take some quiet time for yourself, go for a walk, take a bath, clear your mind. Your soul is in need of ignition again. You hold the match, light it.
What is ready to emerge?
- 8 of Swords REVERSED -
The Eight of Swords in the reversed position asks us to, once again, look at our journey. We have just come through a difficult time- weather it be emotionally, spiritually, or in the physical realm. We have been brought to a state of reasonableness. We are emerging from this time with a renewed sense of self love, acceptance and understanding. Don't fight this push to accept and understand yourself with more compassion. It can be so difficult to love certain parts of ourselves. But spending the past few weeks with the parts we don't always enjoy has brought about a new appreciation for these parts. Love them, cherish yourself. You are here to learn, to refine and spread this acceptance around.
Keep this lesson close, integrate it into your worldview.
Overall- it's time to wake up and kick ass.