Honoring our Harvest New Moon in Virgo
Honoring our Harvest New Moon in Virgo with Ritual, Tarot, and Intention
For those who are new to Moon Magick
Because Virgo has a strong association with the body and healing, this energy will be best used to also focus on our own bodies and our connections to mother earth.

Here are some area’s we can focus on in our lives that are great for
this New Moon in Virgo energy:

Harvest New Moon in Virgo and Mabon Ritual
- Green, Blue, and Yellow candles
- Healing Prayer Candle, Virgo Prayer Candle
- Dirt, or a yard that has dirt easily accessible to you
- Rice
- Essential Oil blend of your choosing- I am using Isis oil and an Earth blend oil. Scents you can use for this are bergamot and gardenia.
- Herbs: Fennel, Copal, Rye, Wheat, Valerian
- Stones: Citrine and Pyrite
- Plants: Any flowers or autumn appropriate plants for altar, you can pick whatever suits you
- Incense: I will be using a Mercury incense as it rules Virgo.
- Tarot Cards
- Apple
- Paper and pen
Always take a shower before any ritual. I include a ritual bath before my practice, but with this ritual you will first begin by either taking a bowl of dirt, or going out into your yard and putting your feet into the dirt barefoot. A dirt bath for your feet!
This allows you to feel the earth on your body. As you feel the dirt on your feet, close your eyes and imagine yourself growing like a plant up out of the soil. Imagine the life of a plant. At first it is a seed, that slowly grows and fights its way up out of the soil before it comes out of the ground. Not all seeds make it, not all plants survive, but some do. Thank mother earth or what ever deity you are using in your ritual for making this possible. You are like the seed that grows up out of the earth. Once you have given yourself an adequate spiritual bath in the earth. Move yourself to your altar.
( I am not including instructions on how to set up your altar, but if you are not familiar with a basic altar feel free to reach out to me for any questions.)
Set up your plants and candles on your altar - make it look festive. You can add autumn like foods as well like corn, squash, or pumpkin. I like to have feathers I find out in nature as a part of my altar and things from my garden or plants in my home occasionally if I am making an altar dedicated to the earth.
Before you cast your circle or do any work, you will want to carve a hole out of the middle of your apple so that you can place one of your candles in the center of the apple, this apple will be in the middle of your candles and a part of your altar. I fill my apple with rice or a grain if the candle is too small the apple. Rice is a great thing to use during the Autumn Equinox on your altar as it is a grain which is an easy thing to use to represent the harvest and fertility we are embracing at this time.

Once you have set up your altar, your first step of this ritual will be to cast your circle and light your candles and incense, and anoint yourself with your oils. You can burn the oils too in an oil diffuser . Casting your circle entails drawing a circle with a wand, or crystal, or dagger and saying aloud that a circle of white protective light is being cast for the practice of spell or ritual work. Each Witch typically has their own way of casting this circle, whether you do a full meditation to the 4 directions, or draw a circle in the air, or do a circle of salt around your altar, you can cast however you wish. Facing East for any ritual is customary when doing basic spell work.
Once I have cast my circle, I like starting my ritual with a prayer or meditation. Here you can make up your own or you can use this one that I have created:
In this time of political and environmental upheaval, I ask that you bless us with safety and peace.
I acknowledge through death comes rebirth, and I ask that through this rebirth we become a more unified people and that any suffering we have endured brings us closer together in this next cycle.
After you have done your prayer or meditation do the Tarot spread that I have provided. This Tarot spread allows you to see where the goddess or Moon energy is asking you to be of better service to all of humanity and life on this planet.
Once you have done this Tarot reading, take the guidance you have been given, and write down on paper what intentions you wish to set for this next cycle. You may ask for the universe to help you become healthier in your day to day choices, or to help give you the extra push you need to get your finances in order. You may ask for those suffering from natural disasters to find shelter and help. You may ask that over this next cycle you take more time to focus on exercising or connecting to your body in a healthier way.
After writing your intentions on your piece of paper, turn it over and write a list of all the people in your life you wish to spread this blessing to.
Next, fold up the piece of paper and put it under the apple with the candle in it. Let all of your small candles burn all the way down before closing your circle.
When you have reached the end of your ritual you will do a meditation in silence where you will envision everything you wrote down in your letter manifesting.
Because this energy is in Virgo, it would be beneficial on this day to take a hike or walk in nature before or after this ritual, or do some sort of Yoga or activity with your body.
When your candles are done burning, this symbolizes the end of the ritual.
You always want to close your circle after performing any ritual. It is customary when closing your circle to say another prayer thanking the goddess or goddesses you worked with.
** Be sure to record any dreams you have that night ,or any way your candles burned to see what other messages may come to you.
I hope you enjoyed this ritual! Many Blessings on this Autumn Equinox and may your month be filled with plenty!
Warmest Regards,
Analisa Six
Seth Noble said:
I love it! Can’t wait to thank the Holy Mother with this ritual <3
September 20, 2017