New Moon in Aries: Activating the Self Through Intention
Hello Ritual Blog Readers!
If you are reading this then you survived the Mercury retrograde in Pisces madness that was March.
It is difficult using those words “survived” as there was actually quite a bit of death last month and at the start of the year. I don’t relate all death to retrograde periods, but seeing some of the deaths like the plane crash in Ethiopia being potentially related to computer system malfunctions is frightening to say the least and deeply sad and painful. My heart goes out to anyone who suffered a loss this last month and months prior.
On a less heavy note, we also had the great Facebook/Instagram crash of 2019 which I found to be quite hilarious...I am still having problems with my Facebook and Instagram accounts since that crash, but I am writing this while Mercury is still technically retrograde so hopefully by the time this article comes out some of that will be sorted.
During the retrograde period, we entered Aries season and had what is our Spring Equinox and also the Astrological New Year.
In ancient times the beginning of Spring and Aries season marked the real New Year, and I tend to find the energy of this time to be much more in line with rebirth and renewal energy than the New Year we practice in the west on January 1st. This celebration was traditionally called Ostara in neopagan religions.
Because of a lot of the heavy Pisces influence still going on during this time, we may not have felt like this Astrological New Year was the rebirth that we needed. But with Mercury stationing direct on March 28th, Mars entering Gemini on the 31st and our New Moon in Aries on Friday, April 5th, we should begin to feel the clouds parting, the Sun shining and some momentum beginning to build more outwardly into our lives.
The New Moon in Aries happens at 1:50 AM PST and 4:50 AM EST on Friday, April 5th, 2019.
Aries energy symbolized by the Ram in astrology and ruling the 1st house of the chart represents spirit coming to life into the self. The act of being born as a spiritual being and finding an identity and personality within that spirit. The “will” to live is defined in Aries or the 1st house.
This is an “activation” time of our personal goals, our ambitions, and our determination to establish ourselves in the world in a meaningful way.
New Moons in ritual practice are used for planting seeds literally, as well as metaphorically for setting intentions around what we wish to cultivate and grow in our lives.
During this Aries New Moon, we will want to set intentions that are personal and not focused on other people. These intentions should be more spiritual in nature, self-focused, and revolve around who we are to ourselves as well as how we apply our strengths in the world.
Aries New Moon Ritual
- White and Red spell candles - if you are able to go to a bontantica or witch shop you can buy an Aries zodiac spell candle or one that is specifically tied to the intentions you wish to set. *Note all intentions should be focused around improving the self within whatever you wish to enhance, not others or something outside of yourself.
- Geranium and basil
- Aragonite or Carnelian
- Paper and pen
- Incense focused on either Mars or Aries
- Flowers of your choice, something white or red is good
*Before you do your ritual you will want to set your altar facing either East or South. You also will want to roll your spell candles in the herbs listed and if you have an oil that you wish to use you can use that as well. It is also important for this ritual that your space and home be extremely clean. I did not include a spring cleaning ritual but it is advised that you do that before you do this one. We always want to make sure we are doing ritual work in a clean environment.
- Cast a circle using the cardinal directions, if you wish to work with a god or goddess for this ritual you can focus on Mars/Ares, if that is too masculine or aggressive for you, you can use Aphrodite as the New Moon takes place on Venus’s day of Friday. You can also use Freya as she represents being both of war and love and fertility. Also, these are Norse, Greek/Roman gods so if you do not identify with that and have African, Aztec, Indian, Polynesian, Chinese, etc…. Deities that you feel more tied to use those. I tend to gravitate towards the Tibetan Buddhist Dakini energies as they are in line with the knowledge I have received from my teacher and have been taught to work with. You will want to research the proper way of invoking those energies and it may require you using an offering with your ritual.
- Light your candles and incense.
- You may want to do a meditation for 20 minutes after this and to visualize the deity coming to help you. Discuss with your spirit guide or helper what it is you wish to cultivate in your life and ask for guidance around how you can set these intentions
- When you are done with your meditation, you may want to do a tarot reading for yourself asking the cards what intentions you should set around improving your self, your relationship to yourself, and how you use your strengths in the world.
- Once you have completed this on a piece of paper, write down all of the intentions you wish to set that came up for you during your meditation and tarot reading.
- Once you are done writing this, take the piece of paper and fill it with the herbs, fold it up, write a Mars and Aries glyph on the paper and place underneath your spell candle.
- You will want to keep this paper under the candle until the candle is completely done and keep on your altar for 28 days.
- An alternative option to this would be to bury your paper after your ritual at the bottom of a pot with a plant growing on top, or somewhere in the ground like a rose garden or somewhere with a lot of plant life.
I enjoy burying intentions in the ground or a pot with a plant I am growing sometimes as it feels we are giving the energy to the Earth. If you do this though, make sure you use an eco-friendly/biodegradable paper so that it does not have any harsh chemicals that hurt the soil.
Some things you can focus on during this ritual if you feel like you are having a hard time accessing your spiritual helpers or defining what you yourself want to manifest would be:
- Building a stronger relationship to self
- Being open to new perspectives on how I can grow this year
- Allowing myself to cultivate new opportunities by saying yes in my life more
- Make a list of all the strengths you see in yourself, even if they don’t seem important
- Weaknesses you may be struggling with that you hope to make into strengths in the weeks or months to come.
I hope this ritual was insightful for you all out there, and I hope this New Moon brings in fresh new energy and maybe a fresh new perspective on who you are and where you are headed.
For more guidance, you can visit my website cosmicladysix.com or my Instagram account @cosmicladysix
New Moon Blessings!
Analisa Six
Analisa is an intuitive Tarot reader and Astrologer who lives with her 2 dogs and husband in Oakland, CA