Zodiac Gift Guide 2021
The holidays are officially here and with the magical season's arrival comes the task of shopping for everyone on your list! We know this time of year can be crazy, so we wanted to make it a little easier.
This Zodiac Gift Guide can be used for yourself, for your bestie, your partner, your parents, and anyone in between!
We hope you like what you find, and we’re wishing you a very happy holiday season from everyone at Ritual Shoppe.
Aries - ruled by Mars
Honorable mention:
The holidays for Aries, like everything else, can easily be experienced like a battle. They want to go to ALL the parties, bring the best food to all of them, and party later than anyone else. We love the Immunity Shield Herbal Elixir to support their "full speed ahead" attitude around the holidays, and beyond.
Gemini - ruled by Mercury
Honorable mention:
No one works the room like a Gemini. They can strike up a conversation with anyone, and they always have witty comebacks up their sleeve. The “Actually Curious” deck will ensure they keep the holiday party goers entertained, and the EMF sticker on their cell will ensure everyone they’re protected while they’re busy texting at the same time!
Taurus - ruled by Venus
Honorable mention:
Taurus is ruled by Venus, so the holidays are about beauty and indulgence for them even more than anyone else. They can be social, sure, but they’d rather be talking around an artisanal cheese board and/or sharing a nice CBD joint. And of COURSE they need to look good while doing it. The Lola Hoops and Indigo Rain Ashtray will ensure pleasure abounds (internally and externally) this holiday season.
Cancer - ruled by the Moon
Honorable mention:
Most sweet Cancerians would rather skip the holiday party, but if they must attend, they’re happiest hosting at their own abodes. They value comfort and security more than most, so a cozy, low-key soiree is just their style. Any Cancer would be happy with the Vintage Ring Holder on their vanity, and “The Arthur” throw blanket draped across their favorite chair.
Leo - ruled by the Sun
Honorable mention:
Look no further than your best Leo friend to bring the party with them wherever they land this season. They’re warm sunshine in this dark season...the actual twinkly Christmas lights of any friend group. The "Good Friend" smile necklace radiates their positive attitudes, even if they aren't the one giving the toast (though, who're we kidding...they're definitely the one with the mic).
Virgo - ruled by Mercury
Honorable mention:
The Virgo archetype around the holidays is, likely, stressed! They want to gift everyone the perfect thing, and something that’s useful (this is also always what they hope to receive). This velvet agenda is a stylish way to keep all their most thoughtful gift ideas organized, and ensure they don't miss a single thank you card in the New Year.
Libra - ruled by Venus
Honorable mentions:
Libra is to the holidays like turkey is to Thanksgiving. They're an important part of the very structure of a party, balancing out everyone in attendance, and often becoming a focal point themselves. These crystal gua sha's are as beautiful as they are useful, and every Libra will appreciate an improvement to their skin care game.
Scorpio - ruled by Pluto
Honorable mentions:
The Scorpio in your life is just as likely to be confronting a family member after an offhand comment as they are guessing all the gifts under the tree with psychic accuracy. They might seem less than thrilled to be at the party, but they’re always happy to be invited (whether they admit it or not). Like Cancerians and Pisces people, it’s important that they protect their energy when out and about this holiday season, and always. All these products are protective and cleansing!
Sagittarius - ruled by Jupiter
Honorable mention:
If you’re actually seeing the Sagittarius people you love this holiday season, count your lucky stars! There’s nothing more fun to them than galavanting off to some exciting city far from home to make exotic memories. But whether you're mailing them a gift or actually able to see them IRL, they'll appreciate this ritual box wherever they may land this holiday season.
Capricorn - ruled by Saturn
Honorable mention:
Capricorn works hard, but they also play hard. The holiday season is likely to have them chugging coffee like usual so they remain productive...though they might spike it with something a little special to celebrate! These beautiful (and handmade) mugs will be a gift they can cherish for years to come.
Aquarius - ruled by Uranus
Honorable mention:
The last thing any Aquarian on your list wants to receive is something too NORMAL. They're always in search of things that make them feel special and unique, and these items promise to do just that! As a bonus, they're both vessels, and as the Aquarius sign is known as the "water bearer" items that hold other items are especially on brand.
Pisces - ruled by Neptune
Honorable mention:
Let's be honest, the Piscean on your list is likely the person READING a zodiac guide in the first place! Pisces people are dreamers above anything else, and they appreciate gifts that honor the floaty side of their personality. Tarot cards and candles (specifically of the kush scented variety) will speak to their imaginative nature and connection with spirit this holiday season.
What're you getting your favorite zodiac signs this holiday season? Let us know in the comments!