Back to School Crystals
Every year around mid-August, we all start to feel the shift. You know what we’re talking about! That creeping in of a serious tone, needing to “check things off our lists” and a general back to business attitude. The long and carefree days of summer start to wind down, and we put our thinking caps back on.
While only a small percentage (about 24% of the United States ages 3 and up) of us are actually enrolled in school, we all seem to feel that very familiar “back to school” energy arriving by Labor Day.
Of course, astrologers would say this is no coincidence! Around the same time our energy starts to shift into school mode, the Sun is moving from playful Leo into taskmaster Virgo.
You might be busy buying new office supplies around this time, or a noteworthy new bag, but have you added a new crystal to your “back to school” vibes list?
Crystals are a great way to supercharge the energy of a moment, and because Virgo is ruled by Mercury, this moment is all about COMMUNICATION.
These crystals might not be found at your local office supply store, but you can bet that they’re still important, mercurial tools that'll amplify focus, support whatever you’re learning, and encourage confidence this fall. Can your new highlighters do that?!
If you’re already feeling motivated, GREAT! The following crystals will amplify what you’re already putting out into the Universe. Feeling a bit lackluster, but needing to get back in the game? They can also help you manifest the energy you’re seeking.

Clear Quartz: So you can think CLEARLY! This crystal will amplify whatever energy you imbue it with. Big job interview? Tuck it in your pocket for a clear energy that will help reflect whatever they're looking for in a candidate. This is the most versatile stone for getting in the back-to-school vibe.

Tigers Eye: Big exams can be really scary, and this crystal will give you the confidence of a thousand suns! Keep it on your desk to motivate you to keep studying, and bring it to the exam to have faith that you know all the answers. It will calm your anxiety and clear negative self-talk.

Labradorite: Not traditional for 3D learning, but it's important to listen to your SUBCONSCIOUS when making 3D, "real world" decisions. This crystal will enliven your dreams so you can ensure you're chasing them to the fullest this Fall.

Lapis Lazuli: Group projects don't have to be a curse! Communication is key when going back to school, so whether it's with instructors or office colleagues, this crystal will help with divine interactions with others through language! It opens the third chakra (the throat chakra) and is especially helpful in writing projects.
Sending lots of love and good luck back to school vibes your way from everyone at Ritual!