Aries Full Moon Mantras
Full Moons are a monthly culmination point. They give us the opportunity to inspect the place they reside in our birth chart with full illumination and, hopefully, at least some amount of clarity gained.
Today, we welcome a Full Moon in Aries. And thanks to both Mercury and Jupiter stationing direct on Monday (VERY good news!), this lunation is giving us an extra dose of forward momentum.
Here’s everything you need to know!
This Moon isn’t necessarily “nice” like Monday’s happenings. It’s dynamic. It’s bold. And especially if you’re an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn (the Cardinal signs) you can expect to feel it’s impact very personally.
In astrology, Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is HOT. It’s aggressive, and it wants to win. This Full Moon could easily fall into the “volatile” category, so it’s important to pay attention to what surfaces around this day in your life.
Because of the very late degree and aspects this lunation makes, it marks a really powerful moment in time. You’re likely confronting themes around rebirth and, ultimately, complete transformation in the house that Aries rules in your birth chart.
Something could very well be coming to an end in your life now...while a completely new energy is getting a fiery initiation.
The words “baptism by fire” come to mind with this Full Moon in Aries. We’re still in the tail end of Libra Season, which is a sign of innocence, beauty, and purity. But the Full Moon is always opposite from the Sun...so many will be reconciling the power dynamics that are intrinsic to partnership.
With Scorpio Season beginning this weekend, this explosive Full Moon energy is par for the course. If you prepare yourself for the heat, rather than resist it, you might just emerge next month completely reborn.
These mantras are written with a mix of astrology and intuition. If you know your “Rising/Ascendant” sign*,that mantra will likely feel the most resonant.
*If you don’t know your Rising sign, but want to find out, we recommend booking a reading with a professional astrologer. We love Erin at www.tbhmagic.com!
Aries/Aries Rising: I show up boldly and am unafraid to take up space.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: My dreams initiate important revelations in waking life.
Gemini/Gemini Rising: I take on leadership roles in my communities with ease.
Cancer/Cancer Rising: My brave career choices are worth the risk.
Leo/Leo Rising: My cutting edge beliefs are boundless and inspiring.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: I invite endings because they promise exciting new beginnings.
Libra/Libra Rising: My fiery partnerships offer the balance I crave.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: I have control without being controlling.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: My creativity is immediate and visceral.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: I initiate exciting projects at home and work.
Aquarius/ Aquarius Rising: My friendships are allowed to be fleeting.
Pisces/ Pisces Rising: My money is simply an energetic resource.
Sending lots of love this Aries Full Moon (and always!) from everyone at Ritual