Shop by Zodiac is Personal, Meaningful, and… Simple, Yet Infinite

The Deeper Dive
My Sun Sign? Say more.
Your sign, her sign, their sign, his sign? You most likely know your sun sign, but if not, you can look here for your birthday and corresponding astrological sign. Your sun sign says a lot about your identity, your purpose, and your vibe. But there is so much more to your starry makeup than that.
Great, I know my Sun Sign! What does it mean?
Well, it's hard to sum up in one sentence, so you might want to check out our other blogs that focus on individual signs, if you want the "deep dive." If you're fine with one sentence summaries, here are some fast facts for each sign:
Scorpio: A fixed water sign that can come across a bit sarcastic and mysterious, but have a fierce loyalty that makes them great friends.
Sagittarius: Mutable fire sign that needs excitement to keep them interested: they're "way finder" of the zodiac that often values their freedom over materiality.
Capricorn: The cardinal earth sign that's been an adult since they were six. Seriously, Capricorns know how to hold things down! But don't let them fool you, they are sensitive creatures that carefully nurture their relationships.
Aquarius: A fixed air sign that's known for not really "doing" feelings, but has a lot of love for humanity and people's personal freedoms.
Pisces: Mutable water sign that somehow embodies childlike wonder and therapist energies. They're prone to daydreaming but will bring you back to earth with their insight.
Aries: The cardinal fire sign -- which is exactly what they are: fiery. If you have a dare, an Aries will probably do it.
Taurus: A fixed earth sign that values comfort and luxury over everything. They might be the cuddle bug of the zodiac, preferring the comfort of home over the vitriol of going out.
Gemini: Mutable air sign that gets a bad wrap--seriously, they're not two-faced, just charismatic! Wants everyone to have a good time, even when they're arguing with you.
Cancer: The cardinal water sign that's often ID'd as the crybaby of the zodiac. These signs, however, are just very caring and intuitive--and have a darker side that forgives but never forgets.
Leo: A fixed fire sign that presents as warm and confident, although they're more likely to make you feel that way than extend that same grace to themselves. Very similar to Taurus, they value luxurious comforts.
Virgo: Mutable earth sign that likes to be of use to the people they care about. They can judge people pretty quickly, but their intentions are always good.
Libra: The cardinal air sign AKA the social butterfly of the zodiac. Just like Pisces, they're prone to daydreaming, although they avoid conflict and prefer to vibe instead!
So I’m not just my sun sign?
Shop By Zodiac allows you to honor placements throughout your chart and show pride in your unique starry-sky.
If you know what day you were born, you know your sun sign. If you know what time and place you were born, you can get the whole picture of your entire chart. Your starry sky.
What’s this about my Big Three? Sun, moon, and rising?
Your chart is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. Your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign are the constellations (or signs) in that snapshot that rule your identity, your inner emotional self, and your outward appearance and energetics (respectively). Astro folks refer to these as The Big Three.
So what’s my next move? I want personalized astro jewelry and accessories!
GET MY CHART We like this free astrology chart tool, endorsed by Astrology University and beloved by many astrologers.
I ALREADY KNOW MINE Great! Head to shop by zodiac to make cute charm bracelets for me and bestie.
I WANNA GO DEEPER WITH MY ASTROLOGICAL PRACTICE Great! Our collection of books and educational materials on the zodiac is a great resource to dive deeper into astrology.