Navigating the Full Moon Scorpio Eclipse
How’s Eclipse Season treating you? Truthfully over here…it’s been pretty good so far. The Taurus Eclipse on April 30th was especially sweet for many...but the energy is going to be trickier for the remainder of May.
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 15/16th, depending on your timezone, lands in a square to taskmaster Saturn. Rather than sunshine and rainbows, it’s likely to arrive like a big sinkhole that we’re forced to maneuver around…and perhaps be asked to drop in a few offerings to be swallowed before moving forward.
That said, eclipses are about fate. They’re extremely powerful lunations that unapologetically and often unexpectedly align us with our destiny. So even if it feels especially hard, and the astrology says that it will, trust that whatever you’re coming up against around this time is MEANT to stop you in your tracks, so you can see what’s been informing them and reroute if necessary.
Because of the intense energy, we can’t “plan” for eclipses (AKA ritualize/try to manifest/etc.) the way we do other lunations. And even if we decide to…we’re likely to still be surprised by the outcome! The short and sweet advice for this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse (and really all eclipses) is this: release control and simply witness.
Fixed sign placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) between 20°- 30° are likely to feel this Eclipse most intensely, as well as people that were born on an Eclipse, Cancer placements (ruled by the Moon), and Leo placements (ruled by the Sun).
While it’s likely any traditional ritual work around the Eclipse is futile, we can still meditate on Scorpio energy for some ideas about what might come up.
Singularly, this moment is about P-O-W-E-R. What’s your relationship to power like? How do you wield it? Who, or what, are the “powerful” figures in your life? Are they serving you, or are you serving them? What boundaries might support these dynamics so that they may come into balance?
Look to the Scorpio area of your birth chart to see what area of life will be saddled with these sorts of questions. For example, if you’re a Leo Rising, this Eclipse falls in your 4th house of family and private life. This could have something to do with your parents, or other ancestral roots that influence (consciously or otherwise) your life.
This lunation is also a South Node Eclipse (the South Node will be in Scorpio until July 2023), meaning that it’s likely old karma will be released, or at minimum activated, and subsequently change our expected trajectory.
Remember anything that is “lost” around this time is making room for something else to be found.
South Node Eclipses, like this one, are concerned with the PAST and needing to let go. They relate to karma that’s ready to be released so we can move forward towards our destiny. This is also a Lunar Eclipse, which can be more internally focused, so this might not have anything to do with anyone outside yourself. Pay close attention to your emotions and what you’re being called to transform personally.
We will have navigated the year’s first Eclipse Portal between April 29th and May 16th, just after this lunation culminates. You likely had to navigate twists and turns that you never saw coming between those dates, and they will continue to unfold.
We can take a deep breath now as this supercharged period is coming to a close and shift into integration mode. What will you do with all you’ve learned?
If you work with Tarot cards (or want to and need a deck) this lunation is ruled by the Death card. It’s one of the more feared cards in Tarot, but unjustly so. Rather than pointing to physical death, which is what elicits fear in many people…it’s almost always referring to a metaphysical death.
This card is all about transmuting energy. When we’re able to compost one experience, one that’s likely more than ready to be released, the seeds of a new one (that’s more aligned) can begin to grow in its remaining nutrients.
The Death card in Tarot, like this eclipse in Scorpio, reminds us that every (often messy) ending assures a new beginning. All the process requires is that we must first let go.