Mental Health Awareness Month: Mantras + Crystals for Peace of Mind
Did you know? May is Mental Health Awareness Month! And while we feel like that’s *a bit* misleading because mental health should ALWAYS be part of the conversation (a much bigger part than it usually is)…we’re decidedly happy to acknowledge it and bring more awareness where we can.
Mental health encompasses so many different things for different people on different days.
Sometimes, zoning out to a reality show for an hour can actually be a supportive and accessible way to unplug. Other times, getting away on a luxurious spa retreat is the answer…but not everyone has the privilege of that sort of relaxation.
For us, it’s about finding the supportive tools that meet us where we are, and accepting that those look like different things at different times.
A couple tools we keep returning to, though, are crystals and mantras. Crystals range in size, shape, color, and cost, and are becoming more and more popular (and therefore easier to find). We especially love being able to bring smaller ones around with us like talismans when we’re on the go. Then mantras…are one of the most beautiful forms of human expression. We believe in the inherent power of language, and mantras are a prime example. Just like physically smiling can make you feel happier, repeating mantras can help manifest what you’re speaking into the physical plane.
Our Fave Crystals for Peace of Mind
Maybe it should go without saying…but picking out a crystal shouldn’t stress you out! Please don’t let this list deter you in ANY way from picking out whatever crystal is truly speaking to you. We really believe that our most cherished crystals have found their way to us, not the other way around.
That said, each of these stones has properties that soothe the nervous system and generally bring attention to mental health. They’re some of our favorites year-round!
Mental Health Mantras
Whatever I’m feeling is OK.
Processing is so important. Rather than trying to avoid feelings or stuffing them away somewhere..remind yourself that what you’re feeling is always ok (and gaslighting is not).
Life is not linear and neither is my growth.
It can be SO FRUSTRATING to feel like you’re going in circles…but the fact is…we are! And that isn’t a bad thing. Everyone is at a different point on their path, and even when we “start over” we’re coming from a more informed place. It’s not a straight line.
Everything, even this, is temporary.
This is a powerful reminder no matter what season of life you’re in- whether happy, sad, or somewhere in-between…this moment too, shall pass.
I am breathing, in and out.
Everyone, everywhere, alive on this planet, no matter what, has the ability to breathe. It’s what defines our human existence, and can feel like the most obvious answer…but so many forget. Slowing down your breathing and being conscious of the in and out movement, if only for a moment, can work wonders.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy Mental Health Awareness Month (but also Mental Health Awareness LIFE) from everyone at the Ritual Shoppe team. PS: Drop your own fave crystals + mantras below!