Lion's Gate Portal + Leo New Moon Mantras
We welcome a beautiful New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 8th, and alongside it the yearly 8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal!
“Lion’s Gate” is a period between July 28th - August 12th every year, when the Sun in Leo aligns with the rising of “Sirius”, a powerful star in the Cancer constellation. As the light of Sirius becomes more clear in the sky, the portal opens.
We can trace the celebration of Sirius all the way back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed when the star rose, it meant the Nile was going to flood. Flooding meant an influx of nutrients into the soil, so they were likely to have a good harvest. Over the years of repeated success aligned with the star, Sirius became associated with great abundance and prosperity.
This Leo New Moon + Lion’s Gate Portal also has a lot of Uranus energy swirled into the mix, so we could be in for some SURPRISING or downright even shocking news. Especially if you have any amount of fixed sign energy in your birth chart though (that’s Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius), surprises have felt like nothing new to you this year.
Because Uranus is squaring off with Saturn all year and defining the astrology of 2021, all of us have confronted some amount of surprises disrupting our regularly scheduled programming.
So this Leo New Moon might not feel like a brand new start, but more like an opportunity to integrate some of the shockwaves of the year and decide how you want to integrate what you’ve learned. If you’re ready, and maybe even if you’re not sure that you are, this is a chance to take the year's earlier learning lessons and move forward.
This Lion’s Gate Tarot Spread is an amazing way to tap into today's 8-8 energy and celebrate the coinciding Leo New Moon (mantras below). This lunation is definitely a special opportunity to shine our infinitely bright lights, but sometimes external situations can make it feel like we're restricted in doing so. Tarot, and other ritual practices, can help clear our mental clutter so we can tap into a moment's purest energy. So no matter how you're feeling this weekend, know that today can be a new beginning, if you're willing to step into the portal.

✧ New Moon Mantras ✧
Aries/Aries Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of childlike play.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of ancestral healing.
Gemini/Gemini Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of generous friendships.
Cancer/Cancer Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of financial abundance.
Leo/Leo Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of honest self-transformation.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of relegated dreams.
Libra/Libra Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of awakened group dynamics.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of professional success.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of higher learning.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of death and rebirth.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of heart-centered partnerships.
Pisces/Pisces Rising: I am ready to walk through a portal of fresh creative practices.
Sending you lots of love in honor of Lion's Gate and the Leo New Moon from everyone at Ritual Shoppe!