Thursday May 25th 2023, 6:30pm – 7:45pm
Breathwork is an active form of meditation which will temporarily transform your nervous system, allow your mind to quiet down and welcome the body to come alive. This beginners Breathwork Workshop requires no pre-requisites to participate and is open to all seekers. This Workshop will utilize calming breath, a stimulating breath pattern to elicit an emotional reaction followed by optional breath holds and a juicy restful period. You are welcome to bring any oils, crystals or other mementos that allow you to connect inwards
.Your host for the workshop is Sara Silverstein. She is an International Breathwork Guide who has been facilitating group workshops since 2017. She has trained with two spiritual healers, two doctors and has done multiple trauma informed care trainings. Sara has lived a few lifetimes in this one and has transformed her anxiously riddled life to one of relative joy. Sara thrives in giving back to the community and is looking forward to guiding you in this session
.This workshop is for everyone and you will be reminded of your own agency every step of the way. Sara works tirelessly to create an environment that feels comfortable for all so if you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to email her at breathe@sarasil.com