Artist Spotlight: Kara Hinson
Can you introduce yourself for us - who you are, where you’re from, what you do
Hi! My name is Kara Hinson, and I am a visual artist based in Delaware. I create portraits and drawings of women in colorful and dreamy scenes, with watercolor and digital illustration.
What's your zodiac sign?
How did you get your start in visual art and illustration?
I have always been into art as a child. Growing up, I could not get enough of animated Disney movies or Marvel comics and spent countless hours learning to draw by sketching characters from those stories. I am blessed to have several artists in my family, so my love for art was always encouraged. I minored in art at West Chester University, and was an elementary art instructor for a short time. Within the last 6 years or so, I became more consistent with my art and with lots of help and encouragement, was open to the idea of selling my art.

How and where do you find inspiration?
I have to listen to music when I work! It gets me into a “mood”, and I have different playlists for all occasions. I frequently have themes of nature and astrology in my work -plants, moons, skies, work based on zodiac signs or symbols of the tarot. Just hanging outside in parks, my own backyard or my growing indoor jungle is always inspiring for me. I also live on Pinterest. It’s such a great resource for finding inspiration or references, and I have been very into creating mood boards for projects.
What’s your favorite part about the design process?
I love when I get into the “groove” where I am totally in the zone working on something. Music is playing, ideas are flowing without overthinking, and I can get lost in working on a piece or a series. Everything is just coming together creatively.

Who are some other artists/designers/brands you look up to?
My brother, Mike Hinson, is an illustrator/graphic artist. He is so talented and has such an amazing imagination pouring through his art. Additionally, my Dad was a photographer and he taught me so much of what I know on the printing and selling side of things. It was so inspiring seeing him be successful selling his art. He 100% got me involved in selling my art in person at art markets and helped me start selling prints at a local gallery for the first time.
Any words of wisdom for fellow makers or peers looking to get their business off the ground?
Be patient! Sales don’t come pouring in instantly. Take the time to research all aspects of business. Even when it comes to your art, it can seem like everyone is cranking out work like crazy on social media. But, take the time to really feel confident and love what you do and have a product you are proud of.

What is a dream project/goal for you?
Anything for Beyonce’! (lol) I do have a dream shop in mind where I sell my art, plus books, house plants, and curate other artists' work to sell. Playing my favorite music and just a great place to chill, have some drinks, enjoy the vibe and appreciate art.
Your top 3 ritual shoppe product picks...
- The Vision Ring - it's an everyday wear for me!
- The Zodiac Charm Pendant
- The Kara Hinson x Ritual Tote, of course!